Plugin Name: WPMU DEV Dashboard Author: Aaron Edwards, Philipp Stracker Change Log: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0.8 - 2/09/2016 - Philipp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Themes can now be enabled/disabled network-wide on multisite installations. - For those who really want to use it: The Logout button is working again! - Improve performance of the Dashboard. - Improve plugin performance to avoid 502 errors on WP Engine admin sites. - Fix install logic to first install Upfront parent before a child theme is installed. - Fix install logic to not enable newly installed plugins network-wide anymore. - Fix an issue that caused lots of duplicate SQL queries on wp-admin. - Fix for a few sites that had problems with new Hub features like Uptime check. - Fix recognition of active themes. Now themes-list on the Hub displays correct theme status. - Fix some PHP notices. 4.0.7 - 2/03/2016 - Philipp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Available updates are now displayed above other plugins/themes. - We made the Dashboard much more reliable! - Add much smarter project-caching to reliably detect available updates. - Add check to automatically update Upfront-parent when a child theme is updated. - Fix fatal error (has_cap) when admin user was deleted. - Fix incorrect links in the search-results of the main Dashboard page. - Fix a possible infinite-loops that blocked wp-admin for the superadmin in rare cases. - Add an additional timeout to really prevent infinite-loops in any case! - Remove the Instructions popup from plugin; you can find Instructions on the website instead. - Many small changes to polish the UI and generally make plugin more stable. 4.0.6 - 1/27/2016 - Philipp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Remote updates are working now! - Fixed the message "Plugin is at the latest version" when trying to remote-update a plugin. - Fixed notice on WordPress plugins/themes page about undefined variable "can_install". - A lot of improvements to make those updates reliable. 4.0.5 - 1/25/2016 - Philipp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Plugin just got faster and more stable! - Added our own changelog to the default WordPress Updates page for WPMUDEV plugins. - Fixed another problem for members with Single-Membership. - Fixed an issue about "undefined function is_plugin_active". - Fixed an incompatibility with php 5.4 and lower. - Refactored API logic to prevent redundant API calls, which makes you site faster. - Improve error logging, especially with `WPMUDEV_API_DEBUG` flag enabled. - Countless small tweaks in the UI. 4.0.4 - 1/18/2016 - Philipp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Important: Turn off automatic updates in Manage page to upgrade to this version! - Fixed the automatic updates feature, if you enable it. The Dashboard plugin will stay up to date from now on! - Our members with a Single-Membership can now use the Plugins and Themes page to install updates. 4.0.3 - 1/15/2016 - Philipp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add a new notification in Themes page when an update for Upfront parent is available - Fix bug that would show dismissed Dashboard notifications again after each API sync - Fix incorrect message "Theme is at latest version" during theme update - Fix the URL of "Get Support" button on the Support page - Add new button to Support page to open a new ticket if no tickets are open - Display error message if plugin or theme installation fails - Fix the "Back to Dashboard" link that is displayed right after update from v 3.5 - Fix permission check to not display notifications while logged out - Fix several small PHP warnings, JS errors and layout issues 4.0.2 - 1/13/2016 - Philipp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix an incorrectly initialized dashboard setting, that could cause troubles with other WPMUDEV plugins - Fix several minor UI issues (borders, margins, ...) - Fix problem with empty dashboard after update forcing an API-refresh on first activation 4.0.1 - 1/13/2016 - Philipp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix broken dashboard layout that was caused by certain third-party plugins. - Fix a typo. 4.0.0 - 1/13/2016 - Philipp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Complete redesign with new UI 3.5.3 - 6/05/2015 - Aaron ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Support for transition of old Membership & Protected Content to Membership2 3.5.2 - 2/05/2015 - Aaron ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: View details links on plugins with slug conflict going to wrong place - Fix: Free members incorrectly getting shown install/autoupdate buttons 3.5.1 - 1/21/2015 - Aaron ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Change activation link for Upfront theme if parent not installed to prevent errors - Fix: Don't show activate link prematurely when installing Upfront parent in background - New: Give better progress feedback on slow install of Upfront parent 3.5 - 1/20/2015 - Aaron ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New: Support for Upfront themes! - New: Toggle/hide legacy themes - Fix: URL in connection error text was wrong - Fix: Enable error feedback for one-click theme installs 3.4.9 - 11/14/2014 - Aaron ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New: Prompt to grant support access after submitting a ticket - Fix: Add workaround for poorly coded Mojo Marketplace/github-plugin-updater - Fix: Stop running and deregister crons on subsites in multisite - Fix: Remove unused free projects list from single member dashboard - Fix: Minor css padding issue in WP 4.0 3.4.8 - 11/6/2014 - Aaron ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New: Support single membership autoupdates for packaged products (CoursePress + MarketPress) 3.4.7 - 10/9/2014 - Aaron ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Adjust css to avoid triggering a Comodo firewall rule on some hosts 3.4.6 - 8/21/2014 - Aaron ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Install button never showed complete in project details window - Fix: Conflicts with other FontAwesome plugins 3.4.5 - 7/16/2014 - Aaron ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Check system compatibility before allowing auto-installs from notices and widget - Fix: Don't show activate links on listings page if project is incompatible - Code reformatting and documentation improvements 3.4.4 - 5/1/2014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Change upgrade urls to route through login on WPMU DEV - Fix: Fix numerous upgrade/install messages to link to configure instead if no API key set 3.4.3 - 4/17/2014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New: Added plugin icon as font for WP3.8+ versions - New: List PHP extensions under system info page - Fix: More graceful handling of API connection issues and more detailed debug info - Fix: Minor CSS fixes (resolved issue with rep points hover overlapping main admin menu) - Fix: Add a maxlength to the support question title to prevent being cuttoff 3.4.2 - 2/12/2014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New: Alphabetically order plugin list in support dropdown - Fix: Change support page behavior for sites with updates disabled - Fix: Add decimal to default menu position of avoid other plugin conflicts - Fix: bug that could cause incompatibility with other 3rd party updaters (props Chris Aprea) - Fix: Various styling issues 3.4.1 - 12/16/2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Enable remote support access tab - Text changes to avoid confusion - Minor style adjustments 3.4 - 12/13/2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - WP 3.8 styles compatibility! - Support for optional background autoupdates - Improve the support page view, adding instructions, system info, remote access - Show login screen by default instead of signup - Show configure link on listings when supported - Show activate/deactivate links on listings - Show usage instructions links on listings - Integration with new dashboard notices - Make listings default order by popularity - Push incompatible products to bottom of listings - Clean depreciated code - Fix theme changelog popup from themes grid page - Honor update_themes capability - Retire upgrade notices - Fix upgrade instead of configure links showing before API key is set 3.3.3 - 10/10/2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Adjust free user behavior - Fixed problems with plugin search on dashboard page - Adjusted wording for Q&A posting - Update default pot language file 3.3.2 - 8/16/2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix login bug introduced in 3.3.1 3.3.1 - 8/15/2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Adjust free listings behavior - Make login/signup secure - Workaround for compatibility with Visual Composer plugin 3.3 - 6/13/2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Update for new WPMU DEV plans 3.2.6 - 4/30/2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix WPMU DEV News dashboard widget - Support for WP 3.6 (jQuery 1.9) - Fix trailing whitespace issue 3.2.5 - 1/23/2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix double updating of themes when clicking "Update all Themes" on Updates page 3.2.4 - 12/28/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Handle WPMU DEV API connection problems more gracefully, with helpful error message 3.2.3 - 12/17/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Remove any conflicting-slug local WPMU DEV plugins from WP update notifications - A few more style compatibility updates for WP 3.5 - Fix memory leaks in Safari on Windows 3.2.2 - 12/14/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - More style compatibility updates for WP 3.5 - Reset allowed user when reactivating the plugin - Handle https admin areas better 3.2.1 - 12/11/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Style compatibility updates for WP 3.5 - allow override of menu location via define('WPMUDEV_MENU_LOCATION', 3); 3.2 - 9/26/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rewrite Dashboard and Listings pages to be more useful to free or single members - Fix numerous permission bugs and errors for free or single members - Show incompatible products in listings, just disabled - Redesigned the Support page - Much improved notification handling of the 133 theme pack - Added a filter to be able to exclude notifications of a specific plugin update 3.1.5 - 8/9/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add no WPMUDEV_NO_AUTOACTIVATE define to be able to prevent activation in single site - Fix errors on plugin upgrade - Make 133 theme pack filtering more efficient 3.1.4 - 8/6/2012 - Mohanjith ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Filter out unofficial update notifications for 133 theme pack 3.1.3 - 7/31/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix Installed & Activated message confusion on installing themes - Fix some CSS compatibility issues in the plugin, props @Daniel - Filter incompatible plugins from autosuggest list 3.1.2 - 6/23/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added filter logic to convert images and JS to use https when admin area is using ssl. - Modify permissions logic for admin menus. This should work correctly when the site has blocked install/update perms on plugins and themes. Like when setting DISALLOW_FILE_MODES in wp-config.php the Plugins and Themes sections are not displayed to the user. - Improve handling of reset API keys - Fix permissions bug for some foreign language WP distributions 3.1.1 - 5/24/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix bug where not showing themes as installed in Themes listings - Limit Dashboard plugin to first admin user by default, and actually hide from all others - Ability to use define("WPMUDEV_LIMIT_TO_USER", "1, 10"); to limit the entire plugin to certain admin users - Change api url back to HTTP from HTTPS for compatibility with non CURL systems 3.1 - 5/20/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - HUGE Update! Complete rewrite - Redesign of everything - Dashboard page view with reputation and history - Plugin/Theme browsing pages - Instant one-click plugin/theme installs from the dashboard - Slideup product info/screenshots - Instant searching, filtering, and ordering of listings - Community page with forum activity - Support page with instant support topic creation/monitoring from dashboard - Membership and payment info in dashboard - New dashboard widgets: News, quick links - Support for central view of updates for all sites on WPMU DEV - Ability to limit functionality to a specific user on client sites 3.0 - 2/25/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Beta release only 2.2 - 9/25/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix notices - Stylize the admin notices to be prettier - Gracefully handle permanent connection errors to the API server - Add in a WPMU DEV plugin browser for finding and installing new plugins 2.1.3 - 7/16/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added extra error checks and redundancy in case of API server problems 2.1.2 - 7/04/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - WP 3.2 Compatibility 2.1.1 - 6/04/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ajaxified dismiss links 2.1 - 3/03/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added support for free WPMU DEV projects hosted on 2.0.2 - 3/03/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed bug with api key saving 2.0.1 - 12/30/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Major rewrite! Required for the latest versions of WPMU DEV plugins. - 3.1 compatibility - Auto-updates for compatible themes/plugins. Bulk auto-upgrades as well. - New release notices - Optional special offer notices - More admin notice control - Transparent integration into the WordPress update system: Counts, plugin/theme pages with sorting - Quick links to instructions and support - Instant preview of changelogs 1.0.4 - 11/17/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Switched to ms-admin.php from wpmu-admin.php Updated API to support newer versions 1.0.3 - 03/31/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Added ability to update data manually Fixed version comparison 1.0.2 - 03/29/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed bug that kept all items (plugins/themes) from being discovered 1.0.1 - 02/17/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Added option to disable admin notices. 1.0.0 - 12/15/2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Release. 265184-1455182435-au